Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Fomasas De La Musica Folladas

Multinationals and the art of escape tax

tax strategies of multinationals have become sources of huge profits through tax havens but also a network of talented financial intermediaries (banks, audit firms, tax professionals ...).

In the struggle against the excesses of finance, the leaders of the G20 meeting summit in London on April 2 , decided to take main target tax havens . Clients of these financial centers to taxation null and loose with the financial rules are indirectly concern. But in reality, says OECD a financial industry serving multinationals in particular, has been targeted.

The purpose of these large groups is simple. It is identical to that sought by large fortunes to minimize their tax rates to make money. Added to this is also the desire to escape the financial regulations too restrictive. In this game, tax experts and legal international skills have become highly sought after for their ability to create wealth. "The tax departments are considered similar to the cash management departments as profit centers to create value for the company," says economist and journalist Christian Chavagneux, co-author of Compass "tax havens" .

Read more ...

Vadjoux Thibaud, E24

(Source "E24" http://www.e24.fr/economie/article91499.ece/Les-multinationales-et-l-art-d-echapper al-impot.html, Credit: Jupiter Images)


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