Monday, June 15, 2009

Sportcraft Bank Shot Instructions

Unite against tax havens!

In summary the slogan which was held on May 29 in the National Assembly, participants symposium havens and judicial hell: justice or chaos . Judges, journalists, researchers, NGO members, government officials: speakers come from all walks take stock on how to combat these secrecy jurisdictions with multiple crimes. Diversity in the image of what this struggle must be to be effective: plural and cross.

Differences of opinion ...

The meeting of these various actors of course highlighted many differences. The balance G20 , among others. Denis Robert, journalist and writer, calls it a "farce", supported by Bernard Bertossa, former prosecutor of Geneva, which condemns the list G20 as useless and only serve to designate scapegoats - small islands - in the face of great powers "white." Christian Chavagneux, editor of Alternatives Economiques is more optimistic: he believes in the seriousness of the commitment of countries against tax havens. He regrets that the G20 has not spoken out against abuses by multinationals, and supports the proposal to Oxfam France - Agir Ici and CCFD - Earth integral on the need for a country by country reporting ( see our recommendations ). The secrecy also created controversy: reviled by many, he finds a lawyer Bernard Bertossa which, if be its illegitimacy regarding the relationship between taxpayers and tax administration, does not advocate its total abolition, too dangerous to fundamental freedoms ...

... and unanimous findings

If stakeholders do not accord the same importance to the decisions of the last G20, all recognize that more must be far out, in the words of Eric Alt (Union of Magistrates), a "culture of submission and resignation." In this regard, François d'Aubert, a former minister and newly appointed General Delegate to the fight against tax havens, is reassuring: there will be consequences. The means, however, are lacking, be it in French, as noted by Vincent Drezet, the National Union of unified tax (SNUI), where at the international level, as the judges deplored. For if the fight against tax havens involves many sectors (banking, financial, judicial ...), it also transcends borders. Alain Deneault, Canadian philosopher and writer, testified for example the consequences for the countries in which they operate, of extractive industries in Canada.

Optimism, "undue philosophical

Regarding the concern, shared by many, to see the enthusiasm for the fight against tax havens fall as early 2000s, the journalist Liberation Nicolas Cori invites NGOs to maintain their vigilance in order to better involve the press in exposing their activities. The members present to remind them turn it is also the responsibility of journalists make the news!

The last word comes to Bernard Bertossa: "Until today, I was optimistic for two reasons. First, because it is a philosophical constraint: without that, we would not do anything! Second, because if you look back, some progress is being made: money laundering, for example, is now an offense. I will add now a third source of satisfaction: the number of speakers at this symposium, the quality of reflection and engagement that reflects! "

Piederrière Morgan and Isabelle Tallec, Oxfam France - Agir ici


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