Funny symbolic for the Tour de France 2009! It will stop in all tax havens border of our country ... or almost! Judge for yourself! The start will be Saturday, July 4 in Monaco. On Friday, July 10, a spectacular high mountain stage will lead the riders from Barcelona to Andorra, the second arrival "paradise", where they will depart the next day to run to Saint-Girons. After a week on the classical paths, the tour will head to Switzerland, Sunday, July 19, with arrival in Verbier, where riders take a day off.
The opportunity is too good for the platform " havens and judicial " does not seize it. It brings together several NGOs, including the Earth-CCFD Solidarity, Catholic Relief Services, the National Union of Magistrates, the National Union of unified tax (SNUI), Attac ... Jean Merckaert, CCFD (Catholic Committee against Hunger and for Development ), decided to organize a "cons Tour" with activists of these organizations. The first stage will take place at the border with Monaco cycling enthusiasts dressed up ... palm trees, the day before departure. The next day during the prologue and before the start of the stage, leaflets and banners will be at the rendezvous. Other symbolic happenings are planned in Andorra and Verbier - which will join NGOs like the Swiss Berne Declaration, Alliance ... - and July 23 in Annecy. For Jean
Merckaert, this "turn against" should remind leaders of the G20 countries that are committed in London in early April, pushing tax havens to transparency and that this promise must be acted upon. The reminder is timely because the G8 leaders meet in Italy from July 6 to 8.
"We expect the G8 that drives the point and go further, also explains the CCFD. The G20 has attacked tax havens, we must also fight against the legal and banking havens. We are an association of development and our main concern is the cost that are havens for developing countries. Would have the heads of state will seize this issue. " The Norwegian government has already done, and on 18 June, the commission he appointed to study this subject delivered its report . It confirms the calculations of American academic Raymond Baker. "For him, the loss to developing countries is around 900 to 1,050,000,000,000 dollars. 3% of these are related to corruption, 30 to 33% in organized crime (trafficking in arms, drug counterfeiting ...), but the remaining two thirds are mainly due to tax evasion, "says Jean Merckaert.
Commenting on the initiatives taken by the G20 to demand more transparency on the part of paradise tax, particularly in the framework of the OECD, CCFD hope these countries do not engage only cooperate with a dozen rich countries, but also apply their commitments to transparency in all countries that request them.
The Tour de France does not stop at home, Luxembourg and the Channel Islands, to escape this time the protests of NGOs ...
Source: Le Nouvel Observateur ( http://laviedesaffaires. blogs.nouvelobs.com/archive/2009/06/30/le-tour-de-france-dans-les-paradis-fiscaux.html )
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